Cycling in support of Limbs For Life

Cycling in support of Limbs For Life
Cycling in support of Limbs For Life

Thursday, April 10, 2014


 CA: Carretera Austral
 BD: Birthday
 NF: Nacho Feast

There are just no reasons to upgrade some technology, ie: gate hinges 

Old school graffiti 

The scenery has not been to hard on the eyes lately

The Carretera Austral is one of the worlds most trafficked routes for traveling cyclist. I now know why.

Classic Bikeshacking

A little dry river riding? Sure...

The last ferry of the year from Villa O·higgins

Fall is in the air

 The route from Lago O·higgins ferry to the border. A section many heavily loaded cycle tourist dread.  

I bypassed a the second ferry across Lago del Desierto by taking this beautiful hike a bike

I think fairies, unicorns and trolls migrated to the rest of the world from Patagonia

A bit of beach riding? Ok

Most of this trail was no place for wheels, but some sections were pure magic

In El Chalten there is an amazing little gem of a woman named Florence. She has opened her home to the hoards of passing cyclist.  Her kindness is just unbelievable. Hundreds of crusty bikers pass through every year. She helps set up your tent, cooks you breakfast and waves off your thank yous with a smile.

It can seem much like a base camp for most the year. This was the scene on my birthday. Mate for most, coffee for me.

 "I don't have a beard, I just haven't shaved yet"

The scene at the Nacho table. It was a revolving crowd of- 2 Italians, 3 Germans, 2 Polish, 2 Canadians, 2 Americans, 1 Welsh and about 5 Argentinians 

My birthday nacho dream in full affect!  I Thank everyone for helping to make it happen! Really, Thank you all!  My belt is cinched pretty tight these days. Splashing out on a big meal for friends and I would have blown my budget to pieces.  To have so many new friends there to sing happy birthday and pat me on the back was just awesome... tear  inducing. As much as I love storming mountain passes and roaming the less populated earth, times like your birthday are best not spent alone.
Even desert!

It was a great birthday but soon it was time to get back to business!

ditch camping

The infamous Pink House. A known refuge for cyclist. 

Stop in and sign the wall


  1. Good to see you made the last ferry!

    More importantly though Nachos......Yum!

    Belated Birthday Wishes Caballero!

  2. Is there anything more important than Nachos? Thanx Mike, Safe travels and good times in your northbound pedalin.

  3. 1. patagonia looks like heaven
    2. glad you had some nachos
    3. your beard is crazy

    1. 1. Pure amazingness
      2. Pure amazingness
      3. No more beard.

  4. Sorry I'm a slacker and didn't get my shit together in time to help out with the Nacho Feast. Got a couple frosty cold beverages coming your way instead (well, at least the means to get some at some point).


    1. Thanx dude bro man, I think yer shits pretty together. I'm still the same age I just turned. Couple a frosty beverages cheersed to the wind in Northeasternly direction; for you and all the ol gang!

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