Cycling in support of Limbs For Life

Cycling in support of Limbs For Life
Cycling in support of Limbs For Life

Sunday, February 23, 2014


Yep,  Its been a bit over a year. Davie and I have been chugging along. Our first year in the new era of the world ride. Sometimes it seems like 6 life times of a cheap vinyl sofa (how ever long that is?)  and other times, like the duration of a sneeze. Up, down and sideways... Its been a good ride!
Semi interesting

and kinda cool
Here is a run of random pics from the last year. Somewhat in order somewhat not...
Hubert dumped me off in Maine, January before last. Booted me out of the car. Said "Get lost bozo". With nothing better to do I started riding South.

That snow is deeper than it looks. Took some time to stomp down the tent spot.
Foxtails in the socks of the brain:

A real fat bike world

Melted cheese in the colander of memories:

From Maine I rode back down to New York. Stringing together snowmobile routes and forestry roads. Stopping off of coarse to shoot bows and arrows and drink coffee with the amazing Toni B.

Stones sinking in the hollandaise of recollection:

I stayed in Beacon, New York for a few weeks tying up loose ends and making sure I remember what dark beer tastes like. A lot of great folks in such a small town. It was not easy to leave.

But soon enough, there was the ride out with Mark and Clemson...

Davie in the big city
I did a city sweep on the way down. New York and Philly. Trenton was a big wrong turn

The amazing crew at the Chicken Hut, Sarah T, and a coffee with Robert Olson.
A chilly NY morning

Philly times: Good ol´Dan Action and Nathalie. The Curts and the crew at Via. The final send off by Jon and Sarah...

A hole puncher in the hands of a compulsive:

Crunching our way down the east side. The potential for a long distance off road routes is soon to hit the scene like a single color Rubix Cube.
If there is one place I wanna go back and ride again? (Among the 100dreds of others)  Virginia. A beautiful state infested with forestry and riddled with National Parks

The amount of ridge line singletrack was amazing

Good times in Asheville with Matt, Carridelle and Brad. Ya`ll are good ones!

That was good Bikepackin

Pedal strokes in the legs of the addicted:

Georgia also needs a redo. 

Okefenokee swamp land

Looking outside the outside:

The pleasure was all mine with this birthday ride with the Velo Vixens

 Gainsville! Staying with these fantastic dudes. Seeing Dru after a an eon or two and learning to slackline with Lauren.

They say you can't but there is no one out there to say you can't. The FT.  One of my favorite trail quotes came from my buddy Ben. We we're once on some singletrack and a hiker marches up to us out of nowhere and says "There are no bikes on this trail" Ben looks around and says "That's funny, I see two". I believe in respect and sharing when it comes to trails... but not always obedience.

This was a fun and flowy section. More than it appears.

A voice for a silent yearning:

Lynne and Paul. Some of the most amazing people to spin pedals and spend some time with.

guhh... Friends are awesome

  Herve and his boat.. I look back at this as a learning expierence and a silly life adventure. Also an incredible waste of time and money... C'est la vie.

                                                              Chris and I in the Bahamas

Peace of mind in the movement:


A perpetual flux:


A space in time to belong:

Simple happiness:

Chris and I met in the boat yard in Florida. He went from one screwball's boat to the next; then rode a bike in Colombia with another. A good dude and a good friend.

A bicycle ride.

Speaking of good people. Carlos- The cycling ambassador of Colombia 

Tommy and Fredrico


My Coffee dealer

Beautiful silencio

First South American tire change

For all you old school metal loving mechanics. Don't ask me why this one ended up in here.

Two tracks in the dirt. It was a real pleasure to ride with Cass. A world renown cycling photo journalist and good friend

Our ride through Peru was some of the best touring I have ever experienced.





All * photos by Cass

The side trip that inspired Davie's new set up

The big MP

The great Ausengate

She was chasing this puppy. Caught it's leash and dropped it again, staring at the first gringo she had ever seen

Still one of my favorite "indoor" nights

The visit by Rebecca. I hope only the first visit by friends?

Davie's new doo

Karen on the Choro

Incan road

Mario and his Phoenix SS 28er

That was a long day

 Just a few images from a fantastic year of bicycle riding.  One down and many more to go!  Man, I love this lifestyle!  Its not a trip I'm on so much as a way of life. If there is one thing I know deep in my heart... I love it out here, riding a bike around on the earth... Bikeplaneting.  


  1. Dear Kurt,

    Discovered you via Cass's site a while back and have been following you since. I can't locate an email for you so I'm writing here to extend an invitation to be a guest on my adventure podcast The Pursuit Zone. If you're interested you can reach me through the contact page on my website - thepursuitzone dot com.

    Keep up the great blog posts.


  2. Absolutely stunning! What a journey.

    Keep up the great work!


    1. Thanx fer sayin Derek. Looks like yer up to some great work over there yerself

  3. oops.

  4. Damn. I'm gonna look back at that East coast stuff. And that worn out Devist8er is ridiculous.


    1. Yea Nick, you gotta get out there. So much good trailage. I'm gonna run the east side again some summer. So effin good!
      The weight difference between those two tires was incredible. Like I had worn away a whole 26x1.95 tire. Wore a tire out of a tire. Never thought I would say that.

  5. Awesome, great memories, and inspiration.

    Ausangate... amongst all the others, of course...

    1. Thanx Cass. You gotta crash that gate. You'll love it up there.

  6. 356, you've chosen a great way to put magic into this number. I greatly enjoy following your adventures. May you never run out of trails or coffee!


    1. Thanx Przemek, glad you enjoy following. I like the company.

  7. Replies
    1. I'm gonna take that as a compliment? Rather than- wowzers, I just polluted my eyes with that self-involved nonsense.

  8. Kurt! What an awesome year!! Where are you heading next? Also, any interest in hiking the CDT in 2015? 3 mph is a much more civilized speed.

  9. Thanx mike, it was a pretty awesome year. As of now I'm Patagonia bound. I'll be continuing this love affair with bicycles for some time longer. I enjoying the barbaric 12 mph average. I've got a circumnavigation to crank out over the next few years. All the best to ya out on the trails. You'll prolly have the 3big ones, the azt and the Colorado on the bag before I get back to the states.

  10. "Bikeplaneting". Awesome!

  11. Congratulations for choosing this lifestyle... I´d been fooling around with the idea for a couple of years, but wasn´t brave enough to do it, yet :(

  12. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.


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