Cycling in support of Limbs For Life

Cycling in support of Limbs For Life
Cycling in support of Limbs For Life

Sunday, October 17, 2010

djhfyfklnflh between the A and B

Things have been trickling along. Some times we find ourselves standing against the current while other times we are flowing nicely with the stream.
Some gracious mosquito bastards were kind enough to pass a brutal case of Dengue Fever along to Kelly. It hit her pretty hard and had me uncomfortably gnawing on my lower lip as I stood by for a week and watched her battle through it. I'm happy to report however... it ran its course and she is back in action! She bounced back rather we'll actually and I'm proud of the way she kicked its ass and got back to business.
We went on to round the lake, making ex-pat friends and I got a chance to get some quality fishing time in.
The real thing I have to admit about running through foreigner trampled places is the chance to indulge in some good coffee. Course they also have the reason for being stormed as they are usually pretty nice places. But I think most of you know where coffee ranks in my prioritys?
The lake was beautiful, (if you don't dwell on the pollution and amount of plastic surgery walking pampered pets) we enjoyed it alot, most of all its cyclopista along the northern shore.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

A turn of things.

Riding along one morning there was a snapping sound that came from below me. Almost immediately it felt as if my left foot just stepped in some ones potato salad. If anyone remembers my incident in Montana? This is a spontaneous and semi-troublesome pic-nic I've attended before. My left spindle snapped once again leaving me to pedal one footed on a mountain road. Don't ask me what the deal is with my left foot. It just hates pedals.

Kelly rode on while I hitched for a ride. Some nice dudes in a coca-cola truck got me into the next village where I met her and got these sweet replacements:

And then in the larger San Miguel de Allende I got these used Shimano SPDs:

During this time I wrote to Crank Brothers to see If they could help me out once again. The last time they were spot on and super helpful in shipping me a replacement spindle kit! Again they were awesome to find it in their hearts to extend a helping crank arm. Though this time instead of the parts to fix my pedals, they sent new pedals. I don't want to seem ungrateful in any way. But its a down grade in pedals and I'm left with a small heap of old pedal only needing one part to fix.

One last time I'm going to give Crank Bros. pedals the benefit of doubt. Why not just continue to rock the Shimano pedals you ask? Because I like the smooth contact of the crank bros. brass cleat and two bar float system. Also they are easier to get in and out of and have no rattly clackety cleat/ pedal interface like I feel with SPD. Crank Brothers just have a habit of jumping ship is all. Yes, I will be carrying along the SPDs for back up (knowing the brutality of Clubber Lane A.k.A my Left foot). Anyone wanna bet on how much JRA it will take for Clubber to houze the new scm435 chromoly contender?

Saturday, October 9, 2010